A Few Great Tips for Painting Over Sheetrock
 Before painting over sheetrock, youll need to follow a few important steps to keep debris out of your paint. On a brand new sheetrock installation, carefully remove any excess joint compound that has dried in the electrical boxes with a utility knife.
DONT TRY TO KNOCK THE EXCESS MUD OUT BY HITTING IT. Youll only damage the surrounding wall and create more repairs. Vacuum the entire work area. Be sure to vacuum out the electrical boxes, and any ledges or gaps around window openings or cut-outs.
What can a professional drywall finisher tell you about paint? Not as much as a professional painter! But I can tell you this:
THE LOWER THE LUSTER, THE FEWER DEFECTS YOULL BE ABLE TO SEE. In other words, lose the shiny, glossy paint!
When it comes to painting over sheetrock or plaster: You would be amazed at how well a flat or satin paint will disguise small defects on a wall or ceiling. If youre fixing up an old house and the small defects are too numerous to deal with, try using a low-luster satin paint, or even a flat finish paint.
You wont believe the difference that this makes.
At least in my area of the country, many folks agree that glossy paint looks tacky and out-dated. It ruins the lighting in the room by making it glare back into your face and it shows each and every little defect!
Contrary to popular belief, low-luster satin paints ARE available in a scrub-able and washable formula. They also look much better than a semi-gloss, or a gloss.
Gloss paints arent recommended for painting over sheetrock (or plaster) by an amateur painter. When compared to a flat or satin paint, the gloss paint is more likely to show imperfections like roller marks and variations in the nap or finish. If you have limited experience at using gloss paints, you could be in for some aggravation and disappointment.
Last but not least, painting over sheetrock or plaster with cheap, junk paint always ends up costing you in one, or both of the following ways:
Poor coverage: Meaning that you end up applying many coats. So much for $aving money!
Poor bond:
Meaning that it doesnt stick on day 1, or that it starts popping loose at some time in the future. Talk about a nightmare!